Hughes Aircraft Retirees Association (HARA) offers this opportunity as a service to its members.  Contractual relationships are beyond the responsibility of HARA, but are between the participant and the travel agent, (TRAVEL TECH).  Full payment must be made to TRAVEL TECH and enclosed with your reservation form.  Your itinerary will be sent to you about two weeks before the event.  For full refunds to be made, cancellations must be made in writing to HARA no later than 10 days prior to the event.

Event: ________________________________________
Dates: ________________________________________
No of reservations: ___________________________
Amount Enclosed: _____________________
Occupancy:  ______Double ______Single
Smoking: ______Yes ______No
Handicapped: ______Yes ______No
Special Instructions:__________________________
Name: _________________________________________
Second Name:  _________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
City: _________________________________________
State: ______________________ Zip: ____________
Phone Number: _________________________________
PALA Privileges Card No:_______________________

Complete this form, make your checks payable to TRAVEL TECH, and mail to Loren D. Reed, 11003 Larch Ave., Inglewood, CA 90304-2309.  Phone Number (310)677-3326.  If you are attending multiple events, make a separate check and fill out a separate form for each trip.